City For The Lost: April 2006

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Burnt Out

I feel so burnt out on so many levels now. I feel like a pile of ash and ember lying in the pit. The winds of change is blowing around me yet its intentions unknown. Is it trying to rekindle the flame or blow out the fire. Who knows. Its all in His hands.

Been having the urge to go Church but things just aint going right.

Jack of all trades, master of none. Ironically, Jonathan is nicknamed Jack in USA. Damn.

I need money for NTU!

Its all in His hands.

found it @ 8:18 PM
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Saturday, April 08, 2006

What A Mess!

Yes, Life is in such a huge mess now but yet everything is tinted in the warm glow of morning sun. Now is time to scout for money. I feel so loved? hahahah.

Believe in the Bohemien Belief of Freedom, Truth, Beauty and above all things Love.

found it @ 10:36 AM
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