City For The Lost: June 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Its Been A Hard Day's Work

Its been a hard month's work actually with the GPS filming still on the roll. Managed to catch a few day's break to help momo set-up his all-so-cool male-adrenaline-filled-team's booth for some special semester module. A mannequin and 6 engineers adds up to tons of secondary school stuff.

Was able to bump into nic muthusamy when on recce, talk to gab on the phone, ami, ning, alec on msn, khai on sms, and slot in a supper with szeming and meixia just to let them know I'm still alive.

I had an off-hand job yesterday filming 5foot Broadway's mini musical at esplanade. The last mini musical was about BMT and one sequence just kept stuck in my mind.

The main lead was dump by his boyfriend (not unexpected. Come on BMT and musical, this sure to pop up) and his mat buddy picked up his guitar and starts to cheer him up. Somehow the first thing that crossed my mind was Johari. His random singings in barrack on random stuff just cheers the whole barrack up. Had to film 3 rounds of the musical and every time that segment comes up, I just can't help smiling. I could really need some of Jo's mat singing now to bring some sunshine into the my days.

Post production for the GPS film is still waiting. Have to wait for the visual edit before I can do any sound edit. Another month long of work to go. Hope I survive it for my much talked about trip to who knows where.

found it @ 8:22 AM
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