City For The Lost: July 2007

Monday, July 30, 2007


My dental appointment today was postponed because I was late. I had nothing to do so I walked around. Before I knew it, I was at maxwell market. So I decided to make my way over to BooksActually. Spent the afternoon there just hanging around. Random talks about Wong Kar Wai, School, NUS's idoitic bidding system, books and all. Kind of nice to have a place to go to once in a while where you can just be there, no need to have any purpose. Felt kinda nice when chatted with one of the customers randomly. She turn out to be some reporter/writer/editor person from ST. Always found BooksActually very homely but it dawn on me today that my ideal room would most probably look something like that. It actually sparked off some ideas for my room (if I had one). Kenny was talking of taking over the cafe downstairs. I like that idea. A Buddy Hoagies-ish place. Speaking of which, let's go for dinner before school starts

found it @ 8:43 PM
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Sunday, July 29, 2007

S.H.E - 说你爱我




found it @ 2:37 PM
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Friday, July 27, 2007

心 理 年 龄 鉴 定






found it @ 9:54 AM
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Thursday, July 26, 2007

MajorMinor Thing

I think I will be taking up Minor in Drama and Performace.

I want to work on something! Why doesn't any muse visit me or did I miss out any signs?

found it @ 12:02 AM
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Friday, July 20, 2007

Instant Fun

A glimpse of My newest Toy

found it @ 11:15 PM
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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Live Earth Short Film - Think,Change Habit

found it @ 11:09 AM
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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Bros Night Out!

A much delayed post. On the auspicous date of 070707, the OCT bros (sans jon again) met up for most probably the last time before Ivan is back from auzzie.

Was working (more about that soon) and had to rush down from sentosa back home to grab new toy before heading to thomson for prata. Lucky wanli still at home so he picked up nic before dropping by my place. As usual alec and ning was late. Was suppose to eat prata then end up at liquid kitchen. Wooohooo. Played indian poker and got ivan high. 1st time. Then then tried to figure out my new toy. $25.50 well spent.

Alec bought this badge at some shop in far east. Doesn't it look familar? (See entry on 28th July 2006)

found it @ 2:10 PM
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